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简介一本中国成语故事用英语怎么说_一本中国成语故事的英文怎么说 非常感谢大家对一本中国成语故事用英语怎么说问题集合的关注和提问。我会以全面和系统的方式回答每个问题,并为大家提供一些实用的建议和思路。1.英语写成语故事2
平原君回到赵国后感慨地说:“毛先生一至楚,而使楚重于九鼎大吕The warring states, qin army surround the zhao4 guo2's nagara handan, the situation was very urgent, zhao monarch king appointed plain gentleman filial piety to go begging. To chu Plain going to lead 20 to finish the mission, and, MenKe already picked the nineteenth, still less a name shall not come down. At this time, MAO hence proposed to go, plain herassessment salt, reluctantly prince took him went to chu. Plain gentleman to chu immediately after the king talked with the assistance zhao ", talked about the along while also no results. At this time, for the king hair wait, said: "we come here today you send reinforcements, you say, you don't forget, chu although soldiers much bigger, but repeatedly defeats, even countries and lost, in my opinion, chu need more than zhao4 guo2's combined resistance to qin!" Hair wait goes speak oral needs, immediately promised king mullen aassistance zhao. Plain gentleman zhao4 guo2's back after regrets ground say: "hair sir, which enables one to chu chu heavier than the nine tripods big lu."
Mr. Li is a good painter. One day he draws a beautiful dragon without eyes.
Mr. Zhou looks at the picture and says, “The dragon has no eyes. It isn’t a good picture.”
But Mr. Li smiles and says, “If I add eyes to the dragon, it will fly away.”
Mr. Zhou shakes head and says, “You are boasting. I don’t believe you.”
Mr. Li isn’t angry. He holds the paintbrush and adds eyes to the dragon. Woe! The dragon really flies.
⑴ 守株待兔的成语故事守株待兔成语故事:
成语拼音:shǒu zhū dài tù
成语出处:战国 韩韩非《韩非子五蠹》:“宋人有耕田者,田中有株,兔也,触柱折颈而死。”
⑵ 成语故事《守株待兔》动画
成语: 守株待兔
拼音: shǒu zhū dài tù
解释: 株:露出地面的树根。原比喻希图不经过努力而得到成功的侥幸心理。现也比喻死守狭隘经验,不知变通。
出处: 《韩非子·五蠹》记载:战国时宋国有一个农民,看见一只兔子撞在树根上死了,便放下锄头在树根旁等待,希望再得到撞死的兔子。
举例造句: 吾料兄必定出身报国,岂是守株待兔之辈! 明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四
拼音代码: szdt
反义词: 通达权变
灯谜: 柳
用法: 作宾语、定语;指不知变通
英文: stand by a stump waiting for more hares to e and clash themselves against it--trust to chance and windfalls
故事: 从前宋国有一个农夫在地里干活,忽然从远处跑来一只兔子,它十分慌张,一不小心就撞在树桩上死了。农夫很高兴,捡起这只死兔子回家美美地饱餐一顿。他想每天都有这样的好事就好了,于是他放下农具整天守在那颗树下,一无所获
⑶ 英语版中国成语故事
Southern Dynasties of Jiang Yan, word Wen-tung, when he was young, became a Dingdingyouming writer, his poems and articles at the time received high acclaims. However, when he is getting older, he has not previously written an article good, but a lot of setbacks. His poems written in prosaic; and pick up a pen-yin grip for a long time, still can not write a word, the occasional inspiration came; poem written, but the textual Kuse, content, plain were pletely useless. So some people to legend, once a boat parked in Chan Jiang Yan-Ling Monastery river and dream of a self-named Zhang Jingyang person; to his followers repay a silk, he would arrest a few feet from her, he is also silk. Thus, his article there will be no wonderful. It was also legend; once the rule of Jiang Yan in the booth sleeping too; dreamed that a person claiming to Guo Pu, walked over to his side, his claim to the pen, said to him: "Man Michie, I have a pen in your place has been a long time, and now should be able to give it to me the bar! "Jiang Yan heard, they dig out from his arms, he is also a five-color pen. Reportedly Since then, Jiang Yan on Evans exhausted and could not write the article in any good.
Jiang Yan's talent has not really run out, but he was an officer after the one hand, as the Chief busy, on the other hand also because of career proud of, without their own write, to sweat, they did not write the. Over time, the article will bring out less, lacking in talent. (Excerpt from "Practical Writing" 1995 No. 8 "I hope," Jiang "was not exactly")
南朝的江淹,字文通,他年轻的时候,就成为一个鼎鼎有名的文学家,他的诗和文章在当时获得极高的评价。 可是,当他年纪渐渐大了以后,他的文章不但没有以前写得好了,而且退步不少。他的诗写出来平淡无奇;而且提笔吟握好久,依旧写不出一个字来,偶尔灵感来了;诗写出来了,但文句枯涩,内容 平淡得一无可取。于是就有人传说,有一次江淹乘船停在禅灵寺的河边,梦见一 个自称叫张景阳的人;向他讨还一匹绸缎,他就从怀中拘出几尺绸缎还他。因此,他的文章以后便不精彩了。又有人传说;有一次江淹在冶亭中睡午觉;梦见一个自称郭璞 的人,走到他的身边,向他索笔,对他说:“文通兄,我有一支笔在你那儿已经很久了,现在应该可以还给我了吧!” 江淹听了,就顺手从怀里取出一支五色笔来还他。据说从此以后,江淹就文思枯竭,再也写不出什么好的文章了。
⑷ 守株待兔成语故事350字
。一天,他在地里干活,忽然看见一只兔子箭一般地飞奔过来,猛的撞在那棵大树上,一下子把脖子折断了,蹬蹬腿就死了。这个农夫飞快的跑过去,把兔子捡起来,高兴地说:“这真是一点劲没费,白捡了个大便宜,回去可以美美地吃上一顿了。”他拎着兔子一边往家走,一边得意地想:“我的运气真好, 没准明天还会有兔子跑来,我可不能放过这样的便宜。” 第二天,他到地里,也不干活,只守着那棵大树,等着兔子撞过来。结果,等了一天什么也没等到。他却不甘心,从此,天天坐在那棵大树下等着兔子来撞死。他等呀等呀,直等到地里的野草长得比庄稼都高了,连个兔子影也没有再见到。
⑸ 守株待兔的成语故事(50——100字左右)
成语拼音:shǒu zhū dài tù
成语出处:战国 韩韩非《韩非子五蠹》:“宋人有耕田者,田中有株,兔也,触柱折颈而死。”
⑹ 现代版成语故事《守株待兔》
shǒu zhū dài tù
⑺ 中英文版成语故事书。
⑻ 守株待兔 成语故事 贝瓦
守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù
解释: 株:露出地面的树根。原比喻希图不经过努力而得到成功的侥幸心理。现也比喻死守狭隘经验,不知变通。
⑼ 小学一年级英汉双译成语故事:守株待兔
During the period of Warring States, many people lived on farming. One day, a farmer found that a hare bumped against a stump and died because it ran so quickly that it did not see the stump. That a hare bumped into the sump was less likely to happen again. However, the farm chose to sit near the stump, waiting for another hare, instead of farming to make a living. Eventually, the farmer starved to death.
Waiting for him
#能力训练# 导语成语在古代汉语与现代汉语的传承上占有重要的地位,它是汉语词汇系统中重要而又极富特色的组成部分。下面是 无 分享的经典英语成语故事及翻译经典英语成语故事及翻译(五篇)。欢迎阅读参考!
During the Spring and Autumn period (770-476BC), the State of Wu launched an attack against the State of Yue. The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died. His son Fu Chai became the new King. Fu was determined to get revenge. He drilled his army rigidly until it was a perfect fighting force. Three years later, he led his army against the State of Yue and caught its king Gou Jian. Fu took him to the State of Wu.
In order to avenge his father's death, Fu let him live in a shabby stone house by his father's tomb and ordered him to raise horses for him. Gou pretended to be loyal to Fu but he never forgot his humiliation. Many years later, he was set free. Gou secretly accumulated a military force after he went back to his own state. In order to make himself tougher he slept on firewood and ate a gall-bladder before having dinner and going to bed every night. At the same time he administered his state carefully, developing agriculture and educating the people. After a few years, his country became strong. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe out the State of Wu.
Later, people use it to describe one who endures self-imposed hardships to strengthen one's resolve to realize one's ambition.
Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums
One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the sky was cloudless. The soldiers were walking on the winding mountain paths. The dense forest and the hot rocks exposed to the sun on both sides of the paths made the soldiers feel suffocated. By noontime the soldiers' clothes were wet through with sweat, and the marching speed slowed down. Some solders of weak physique even fainted on the roadside.
Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle. But how could they quicken their speed? Cao Cao at once callde the guide and asked him on the quiet whether there was a source of water nearby. The guide shook his head, saying that the spring water was on the other side of the mountain, which was very far to have to make a detour to reach. Cao Cao realized that time didn't permit them to make such a detour. After thinking for a moment, he said to the guide, "Keep quiet. I'll find a way out." He knew that it would be to no avail to order his troops to quicken the steps. He had a brain wave and found a good solution. He spurred his horse and came to the head of the column. Pointing his horsewhip to the front, Cao Cao said, "Soldiers, I know there is a big forest of plums ahead. The plums there are both big and delicious. let's hurry along, and we will reach the forest of plums after bypassing this hill." When the solders heard this, they immediately slobbered. Picturing in their minds the sweet and sour flavour of the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums themselves. The morale greatly boosted, the soldiers quickened their steps a great deal automatically.
This story comes from "The Fake Tangery" in Anecdotes of This World by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasties period (420-589). From this story, people have derived the set phrase "quenching thirst by watching plums" to refer to trying to comfort oneself of others by idle dreams.
In the Warring States Period, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation. One of his ministers, Chun Yukun who had a good sense of humour, said to him: 'There is a big bird which has neither taken wing nor sung for three years.' The duke answered, 'Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.' The duke thereupon devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.
Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei".
The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.
One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"
The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.
From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.
从前,炎帝(传说中中国原始社会的统治者)的小女儿在东海上划船。正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然升起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。就在她要被汹涌的波浪吞 没时,她的灵魂变成了一只美丽的小鸟。它飞过那咆哮的海面,伤心的叫着"精卫,精卫"的声音。所以人们就叫她"精卫"。
一天,咆哮的大海对精卫说:"可怜的小鸟,停止你那无谓的举动吧!你是永远都填不平我的。" 精卫回答说:"我当然会把你填平的!即使这需要千千万万年的时间,我也一定会斗争到底,直到你的末日来临!"
fail the exam
In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan(孙山).
One year he went to take the imperialexamination, and came bottomof the listof successfulcandidates.
Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whetherthe neighbor's son had also passed.
Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan."
The peopleused this idiom to indicatefailing in an examination or competition.
如果觉得学英语觉得枯燥的话,可以加点乐趣的元素进去。我在此献上 英语 故事 ,希望对你有所帮助。成语 寓言故事 :Losing One's Head忘乎所以
The gorillas in the valleys in the south often lived together in groups of several tens. They were fond of drinking wine, and even fonder of imitating man's behavior.
People knew very well their habits and often put wine or distiller's grains on the roadside together with many straw sandals connected together with ropes.
The gorillas knew this was a trick to lure them into traps and cursed:
"Humph! Do you think we don't know your tricks? We'll never be taken in!"
So they called one another, turned round and left.
But they had already smelled the aroma of the wine, and couldn't bear to part with it. Even after they left, they would turn their heads to look back. When they saw no one there, they would turn back; and after they turned back, they were afraid of being deceived, and left again. After much hesitation, they finally said to themselves:
"Just for a taste of the wine. It won't matter as long as we don't get drunk."
Shortly afterwards, they agreed to come back to drink the wine. When they got drunk, they forgot everything. Every gorilla put on the straw sandals and imitated the way man walks.
As a result, they fell down one after another and were all caught alive by people.
成语寓言故事:A Half Day's Leisure半日清闲
One day, a high official wanted to amuse himself in a temple.
His subordinates notified the monks in the temple three days in advance to prepare a good meal on time. So all the monks in the temple busied themselves with the preparation.
The temple was situated in a remote mountain, surrounded by bamboo groves, and very tranquil. After the high official had strolled about for a while, he was very pleased. While dining, he recited lines from a poem of the Tang Dynasty:
"Passing through the bamboo courtyard and meeting a monk,A half day's leisure is gained in this fleeting life."
When the old monk heard these lines of the poem, he couldn't help laughing.
The high official asked hastily:
"What are you laughing about?"
The old monk replied:
"Your Honour have indeed gained a half day's leisure, but I have been busy for three whole days."
成语寓言故事:The Kingfisher Moves Its Nest翠鸟迁巢
In order to avoid calamities, at first the kingfisher always selects a high place to build its nest.
But when the young birds are hatched, it will move to a place a little lower to build its nest. This is because the kingfisher is particularly fond of its offspring and is afraid they而ght fall down from a high place.
When the young birds grow beautiful feathers, the kingfisher will become even fonder of them and more protective, so it will move its nest further downward, with the result that the young birds are easily taken away by people.
Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and ,although he did not cause a stir ,he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this. the imperial court transferred him to the central from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officals.
Once,Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remards when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so.Why should the emperor bother,Ji An said, about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself? This choked the emperor off. The emperor suddenly Changed his countenance and declared the meeting over. All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this. After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward.
For this reason ,Ji An was never promoted again. When he was the commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials, both Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang were low -ranking lfficials of little importance. Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor. However, JiAn's post remained thesame. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood, which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. So,turning to his ministers, Emperor Wudi said, "It is true that no one can stop learning.You see, Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks."
In Qin dynasty, there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao。
Zhao Gao wanted to rebel, but he didn't know how many people in the court would stand by his side。
So he worked out a way to test the people。
He presented a deer as a tribute to the emperor in front of the court, and said that it was a swift horse。
The emperor not accepting his statement said, "This is obviously a deer."
Then, Zhao Gao took this opportunity to ask the court, "Is this a deer or a horse?"
In the court, those who didn't dare to go against Zhao Gao agreed with him and said that it was a horse, those who dared to go against Zhao Gao said that it was a deer。
Later, Zhao Gao remembered the counselors who didn't agree with him and persecuted them to solidify his power。
This story is still popular even today. People use this idiom to describe someone who calls white black。
A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade init.
He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused toaccept it. xiaogushi8.com The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, butthere is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable forhonorable men like you, not for us common people.”
“I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with you.xiaogushi8.com I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belongto oneself is the real treasure. ”